Safe Swim for All
From Sunday, June 04, 2023
To Friday, June 09, 2023
To Friday, June 09, 2023
The Nelsonville Aquatics Center along with Safe Swim for All, LLC will be sponsoring a learn to swim program for children with disabilities ages 2 - 18 on June 4 - 9, 2023, at the Nelsonville Aquatics Center. There are limited spots available, and the lesson price is $30.00, if unable to pay please include that information with your form to receive a scholarship application. For program information and to request a registration form please Email safeswimforall@gmail.com (mailto:safeswimforall@gmail.com ).
Safe Swim for All, LLC offer a specialized program designed specifically for children with disabilities. The program has limited spots available to allow optimum staffing and ultimately success with the swimmers. The program is led by young adults who are students at Ohio University and are experienced working with children and adults with multiple disabilities and will offer one to one to two on one instructors for each child. Parents will be required to stay in the pool area for the duration of the lessons to dress, undress, and assist their children with all toileting needs. Following each lesson, the instructors will give a in personal, summary of the child’s progress to the parent.
Safe Swim for All, LLC offer a specialized program designed specifically for children with disabilities. The program has limited spots available to allow optimum staffing and ultimately success with the swimmers. The program is led by young adults who are students at Ohio University and are experienced working with children and adults with multiple disabilities and will offer one to one to two on one instructors for each child. Parents will be required to stay in the pool area for the duration of the lessons to dress, undress, and assist their children with all toileting needs. Following each lesson, the instructors will give a in personal, summary of the child’s progress to the parent.
Location Nelsonville Aquatic Center