Office: 753.1314 | Police & Fire Emergency: 9 1 1
Police Non-Emergency: 753.1922 or 753.1736
Fire Non-Emergency: 753.1244
City Council Committee Meetings
Wednesday, February 15, 2023, 6:00PM
The City of Nelsonville announces that the following City Council Committees will be holding meetings on Wednesday, February 15, 2023, at City Hall.

- 6:00 pm -- Police & Fire Committee
- To discuss Police Department and Fire Department issues.

- 6:20 pm -- Parks & Recreation Committee
- To discuss the baseball program, fields and parks and recreation director, aquatic center pool repairs and aquatic center manger.

- 6:40 pm -- Finance Committee
- To discuss the City Budget with departments.

- 7:00 pm -- Street Committee
- To discuss the street sweeper and street projects.

- 7:20 pm -- Utilities Committee
- To discuss wastewater plant and water issues.

- 7:40 pm -- Judiciary Committee
- To discuss possible City Charter revision and title 31.Citizens comments may be made in person or Emailed to ( by 1PM, Wednesday, February 15, 2023. The meeting may be streamed on the City of Nelsonville YouTube channel The public is invited and encouraged to attend.
Location City Hall, 211 Lake hope Drive, Nelsonville, OH 45764