The City of Nelsonville Street Department will start curbside leaf pick-up on Monday, November 4, 2024, and continue on the following days in November and December.
- November:
- Monday - 4th
- Wednesday - 6th
- Friday - 8th
- Tuesday - 12th
- Thursday - 14th
- Monday - 18th
- Wednesday - 20th
- Friday - 22nd
- Tuesday - 26th
- December:
- Monday - 2nd
- Wednesday - 4th
- Friday - 6th
Leaf pick-up will take place each day from 8:00 AM until 2:30 PM, depending on the weather conditions. Follow these steps for curbside leaf pick-up.
Rake leaves to curbside, DO NOT include branches, sticks, grass clippings or tall grass. These can clog and damage the equipment and cause delays. City crews will not be raking any leaves.
- DO NOT rake leaves into the street. This can clog storm drains.
- DO NOT pile leaves around fire hydrants, street signs or utility poles.
- DO NOT PARK in front of leaf piles on pick-up days.
- When your leaves are curbside and ready, schedule curbside leaf pick-up by using Nelsonville’s “TextMyGov," text “Hi” to 740-265-3858 and a series of texts will guide you through the reporting process, or call, 740-753-1314, Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm. You can also message the City of Nelsonville Facebook page.