Office: 753.1314 | Police & Fire Emergency: 9 1 1
Police Non-Emergency: 753.1922 or 753.1736
Fire Non-Emergency: 753.1244
Fire Department Santa Parade
Friday, December 13, 2024, 6:00PM

This holiday season again looks very different than in years past. Because of this our crew members have made the decision to help Santa again and escort the jolly old elf throughout town. After a few meetings with Santa Claus and the Fire Pup we have a plan!

On Friday, December 13, 2024, starting at 6:00 PM firefighters will escort Santa Claus and the Fire Pup throughout town. We will cover most city streets so the kids can see Santa Claus and the Fire pup. The route is posted and will take approximately 1 hour to complete. As the Santa Parade leaves the fire station, it will head East looping around back to Lake Hope Drive. If there is a Fire or EMS call during this time we will continue after. We ask that everyone stay on their porch or in their yard to limit groups to households. Santa Claus looks forward to seeing all of you again this year!

visual map of the santa parade route
Location City of Nelsonville