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FREE COVID-19 Testing
Monday, January 18, 2021, 10:00AM - 2:00PM
The City of Nelsonville is hosting a free pop-up COVID-19 communitytesting event in partnership with Athens City/ County Health Departmentand the State of Ohio on Monday, January 18, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00p.m. at the Nelsonville/ York High School, 1 Buckeye Drive inNelsonville.
Additional Information:
There are no criteria for testing and the event is open to anyone ages 2+.Children 17 and under must have a guardian present.You do NOT need to bring an insurance card.Testing will be performed by the Ohio National Guard.Walkers and bicyclists welcome.Depending on volume, please expect delays.Testing stations will be clearly marked on-site.Masks are required, no-smoking please.There will be an express lane for those with their forms alreadyfilled out. The forms are available online at print clearly!The Athens City/ County Health Department with follow up with allpositive tests from people who reside in Athens County, as they do withall local positive COVID-19 tests. Anyone who tests positive but livesoutside of Athens County will get contacted by their local healthdepartment.
Testing for COVID-19 is critical to helping stop the spread of thisvirus. It saves lives. When we’re able to test more individuals in acommunity it allows us to quickly identify infected individuals andisolate them. In that way, it helps us contain and decrease the spreadof illness so we can go on the offense against this virus.
Please visit our Facebook page for the most up to date information inregarding this event.
Location Nelsonville/ York High School, 1 Buckeye Drive in Nelsonville